The Artifact object permits capturing an array of bytes (8-bits), as a base64-encoded string, or linking to a file-like payload.
One of payload_bin or url MUST be provided. It is incumbent on object creators to ensure that the URL is accessible for downstream consumers.
Required Common Properties
type, id
Optional Common Properties
spec_version, object_marking_refs, granular_markings, defanged, extensions
Not Applicable Common Properties
created_by_ref, revoked, labels, confidence, lang, external_references
Artifact Object Specific Properties
mime_type, payload_bin, url, hashes, encryption_algorithm, decryption_key
ID Contributing Properties
hashes, payload_bin
If the hashes property is present, include only one hash. The selected hash SHOULD come from this ordered list (based on the following order of preference) [ MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512 ].
Attribute details
typerequired, string
The value of this property MUST be artifact